What I worked on this week PT 3

This passed week I Started a cover up, they were a new client and had a nearly 10 year old tattoo that they were not happy with. We took the time to sit down and discuss what could be done, she wanted a floral piece and to keep part of the old tattoo. I ended up creating a beautiful piece that reworked some of the old tattoo while covering up the rest. as you can see from what was there to what is now in the process, there is a big difference. They were very excited about the results thus far! I’m excess to finish this process and I will have a full update in the near future.

The process of what I did…

When working on a cover up, I am very meticulous on how to approach the situation. Depending on what the piece is, I will determine the best course of action. Physical consultations are always a key into my process, it allows me to see what I have to work with and what can be done to solve the problem. Discussing the pros and cons of what my clients can expect, such as what will and wont work, helps to give them a full clear idea. Sometimes slapping something over the tattoo doesn’t always mean its going to be the best cover up result. Understanding that sometimes there can be limits, usually on certain colors or lack of. Cover ups do take longer then a normal tattoo and can be a bit more costly, do to having to work around what’s already there compared to a fresh area, but in the end it will be worth it if the cover up is done well! The biggest question to ask yourself is “How badly do you want that old tattoo gone?” check out some of my other cover up works I’ve done below.

Thank you!


Tattoo Tips For Clients PT 1


What I worked on this week…