What I worked on this week…

This passed week I started a New School tattoo sleeve with a tropical theme. client had a few other tattoos, not don’t by me, that they want incorporated with. seeing the tropical theme, I came out with a few ideas that the client really enjoyed, including a new school pin-up Hula Girl, an new school octopus riding a jet ski, a new school tiki mask, and a new school skeleton on vacation. This will be a process over then next couple of months and will have updates along the way.

the process of big projects like these…

The process around this is a case of research and time. when it comes to working on such projects, its something at can take a few months at a time to nearly a year if not more. You want to be as constant as possible so that you can have the freshest looking piece as a whole rather then seeing differences in the piece do to age. When booking something like this its best to look towards the future now it may take some time and plan ahead! book the first tattoo appointment and set up the next 3-4 after, that will keep the determination going on getting it all done sooner then later!

If you made it this far I thank you!

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What I worked on this week…


Hello and welcome…